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Roadshow Advertising Agency in Madurai, Chennai | Roadshow Advertising Company | Adinn Roadshows

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Roadshows take the brand message on the road and reach customers who are otherwise normally not exposed to newspapers, radios, and television sets. Thereby, roadshow campaigns play a key role in intensifying brand awareness and product knowledge among a larger set of customers. Roadshow campaigns are far better than the recurrent TV and radio advertisements as the roadshow displays mostly cannot go unnoticed. Roadshows get more response from customers as they never serve as an intrusion on their daily activities.

Understanding Roadshows

Building brand awareness is an essential task as it helps to stand out from the competitors. Roadshow advertising is one of the most powerful marketing and branding tools as it can be carried out at strategic locations in order to grab the customer’s attention and thereby leaving an everlasting impression on their mind. When organized well, roadshows can reinforce brand visibility and popularity. It is the best way to remind your customers about your services and products and to show the world your brand uniqueness. An illuminated display or a billboard is affixed on a vehicle (truck, van or a trailer) that travels across important cities, towns, and states to reach a massive audience. A roadshow campaign usually lasts for about 4 to 4.5 hrs a days with a break in between. The concept of roadshow campaigns can also be modified according to the specific location and target customers. There are some important factors that need to be considered when organizing a roadshow campaign. The perfect selection of location and timing is essential to organize a successful roadshow campaign. Roadshow campaigns with precise message delivery and creative concepts can definitely be a huge success. The cost of roadshow advertising depends on a number of factors such as the number of units, type of vehicle, campaign duration and media option (backlit or non-lit hoarding).